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Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals
  1. Santi, Caterina, and Zwinkels, Remco C.J., 2023. Exploring style herding by mutual funds. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (ABS: 3) 101762. [Link]

  2. Santi, Caterina, 2023. Investor Climate Sentiment and Financial Markets. International Review of Financial Analysis (ABS: 3), Volume 86, 102490. [Link] Data on Investors Climate Sentiment available here.

  3. He, Xuezhong, Kai Li, Caterina Santi, and Shi, Lei, 2022. Social Interaction, Stochastic Volatility, and Momentum. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (ABS: 3), 203, 125-149. [Link]

  4. Chan, Joshua C.C., and Santi, Caterina, 2021. Speculative Bubbles in Present-Value Models: A Bayesian Markov-Switching State Space Approach. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (ABS: 3), Volume 127, 104101. [Link]

  5. Moretti, Angelo, and Santi, Caterina, 2020 Commentary to "Klingwort, J., and Schnell, R. (2020). Critical Limitations of Digital Epidemiology: Why COVID-19 Apps Are Useless." Survey Research Methods, 14(2), 95-101. [Link]

  6. Santi, Caterina, and Santoleri, Pietro, 2017. Exploring the link between Innovation and Growth in Chilean firms. Small Business Economics (ABS: 3), 49 (2): 445-467. [Link]

Working Papers
Carbon Risk Premium and Worries about Climate Change [Link]

with Angelo Moretti. Under review.

Abstract. This paper sheds light on the impact of investor worries about climate change on the pricing of emission (carbon-intensive) and clean (low-emission) stocks. We estimate the carbon risk premium in a cross-section of over 4,800 firms in 21 countries. We do not find evidence of a carbon risk premium when investor worries about climate change are low. Moreover, the carbon premium is significant for medium-high quantiles of the return distribution when investors’ worries are high. Overall, our results are consistent with an interpretation that non-worried investors are not demanding compensation for their exposure to carbon emission risk.

Decoding News: How Media Risk and Ambiguity Shape CDS Spreads
with Amirhossein Sadoghi. Under review.

Abstract. We construct a daily time series of perceived global risk and ambiguity using news published by major international newspapers. We propose a novel approach to measure ambiguity. First, we perform topic modeling on risk-related news to identify different sources of uncertainty. The ambiguity of a given topic is computed as the expected volatility of the probability that different newspapers discuss that topic. Next, we empirically test whether perceived global risks and ambiguity can explain credit default swap (CDS) spreads. We find that higher perceived ambiguity (risk) is associated with decreased (increased) CDS spreads of up to 5.9 (4.9) bps.

SMEs' Environmental Attributes and Performance: A Data Integration Approach

with Angelo Moretti and Lorren Mernier.

Abstract. This study investigates the association between SMEs' green strategies and financial performance. We examine over 30,000 firms across 32 countries and conduct statistical matching using information from the Flash Eurobarometer surveys alongside Orbis Europe to address SMEs' sustainability data scarcity.  After addressing endogeneity concerns and sample selection bias, we find that offering green products or services and having green employees lead to superior financial performance as measured by the firm's return on asset. While undertaking resource-efficient actions at best do not impact financial performance. 

Work in Progress

SMEs' Green Strategies and Financial Constraints: A Cross-Country Study
with Lorren Mernier

Stock Market Reaction to Extreme Weather Events
with Si ChengFearghal Kearney and Jiadong Liu

Corporate Bond Returns, and Climate Change Risk and Ambiguity 
with Amirhossein Sadoghi

Bond Market Reaction to Central Banks Communications on Climate Change
with Amirhossein Sadoghi

Relative performance of Mean-Variance, Kelly and Universal Portfolios in the Equity Market 
with Giulio Bottazzi
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